Eco Timber Group supports an extensive range of FSC® (FSC – C182098)

and PEFC certified timbers, from Recycled FSC®, PEFC and Responsible Wood timbers we acknowledge the incredible efforts of Forestry Australia to upkeep and maintain our native forests and agriculture.

At Eco Timber Group we always endeavor to source timber that is covered by this PEFC, FSC® or RESPONSIBLE WOOD mantra, even if it is not specified by our customers. We go to these extraordinary lengths simply for the fact we believe in an ethos of sustainability and social responsibility. A feat recognised by many of our leading clientele who also share in this belief of promoting green, sustainable timber products for better building and a greener more sustainable future.


All FSC and PEFC certified products follow strict regulation in order to avoid misrepresentation, as part of this regulation Eco Timber must follow a chain of custody in order to sell or promote FSC and PEFC rated products. This ensures peace of mind for you as a customer that you are receiving exactly what you have been sold. Below is a flow chart of our current chain of custody from when the timber is milled right through to the sale and distribution for all of the products covered by this Recycled FSC, PEFC or FSC certification.

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Christmas Holidays - Website

Please note Eco Timber Group will be closed from the 29/12/23 till 8/01/24. 

Please email us at and we will respond as soon as we return.